Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Country Queen Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood

“My food indulgences are pizza, and I love… cheese. I have a big problem controlling myself with the cheese.” Two years later, it looks like she found a way to have her pizza and eat it too! Here’s her recipe favorite formula for a healthy, 250-calorie personal pizza: 1 Flatout wrap with 1/4 cup sauce, 1/2 cup fat-free or 2% cheese and loaded up with veggies".

"When I gain weight, it's in the spare-tire area" Underwood says. "I like to do push-ups, I do four sets of 10 or 20"

 "I had two whole-grain waffles for breakfast. Then I had a sandwich for lunch, which I put down as bread, fake meat [she's vegetarian], and cheese." The key, she says, is checking the calorie count on food labels and jotting down the details immediately after a meal to avoid food amnesia. "I'm a big nighttime eater," says Carrie. "When I can look at my diary and see how many calories I've consumed during the day, I'm able to figure out how much I can eat at night."

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