Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lauren Graham

Lauren Graham: Diet

Lauren’s daily calorie goal is 1600-1700. She allows herself to indulge in desert and pasta on occasion.
Breakfast – Tortilla wrap with 1 slice of low fat cheese and 3-4 egg whites and 2 tablespoons of salsa

Snack – Atkins bar

Lunch – Large mixed green salad with 4-6 ounces of lean protein such as chicken, turkey or fish.

Snack – 3/4 cup cottage cheese

Dinner – 6-8 ounces of lean protein like chicken or fish with 1/3 cup brown rice, 1 1/2 cups steamed veggies, such as asparagus, broccoli, mushrooms, peppers (no peas or corn).

Beverages – Lauren drinks 8 glasses of water per day. She’ll add a glass of water if she drinks a caffeinated beverage to offset any dehydrating effects.

Ban.do cuteness


Country Queen Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood

“My food indulgences are pizza, and I love… cheese. I have a big problem controlling myself with the cheese.” Two years later, it looks like she found a way to have her pizza and eat it too! Here’s her recipe favorite formula for a healthy, 250-calorie personal pizza: 1 Flatout wrap with 1/4 cup sauce, 1/2 cup fat-free or 2% cheese and loaded up with veggies".

"When I gain weight, it's in the spare-tire area" Underwood says. "I like to do push-ups, I do four sets of 10 or 20"

 "I had two whole-grain waffles for breakfast. Then I had a sandwich for lunch, which I put down as bread, fake meat [she's vegetarian], and cheese." The key, she says, is checking the calorie count on food labels and jotting down the details immediately after a meal to avoid food amnesia. "I'm a big nighttime eater," says Carrie. "When I can look at my diary and see how many calories I've consumed during the day, I'm able to figure out how much I can eat at night."

Miss Spears Looks Amazing

Britney Spears

Britney does cardio workouts 4-5 times a week, and either an hour of yoga or pilates once a week.

"She drinks protein shakes, and she snacks on the dried fruit and nuts from Starbucks with her coffee".

Britney drinks lots of water, has mostly protein shakes or yogurt and fruit for breakfast, followed by chicken or salad for lunch, and fish (salmon) for dinner with vegtables. Water is KEY!

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba’s Diet Plan

It’s a South Beach style diet, with lean meats, whole grains, low-fat cheeses, fruits and veggies.

1 cup oatmeal with berries with 3-4 scrambled egg whites when working on the film set.
Salad with 170 gms (6 ounces) of chicken breast or fish (salmon, tuna)
Sashimi or or 170 gms (6 ounces) of petit filet of beef or other lean protein with unlimited veggies and 3 small red potatoes
handful of almonds or hot air popped popcorn
Jessica Alba’s Work Out
Jessica’s is big on exercise with lots of cardio on the elliptical, stationary bike or treadmill for 30 minutes four times a week. She adds resistant-training including weights and yoga to tone up for her action roles in films.

Jessica Biel's Diet & Exercise Tips

Jessica Biel’s Diet

Jessica Biel eats small meals five times a day to fire up her metabolism mostly lean meats and vegetables. For breakfast she might put a scoop of chocolateprotein powder in her oatmeal for more energy. The star avoids eating things with sugar, dairy and flour. Low fat and Low Carbohydrate.

Jessica Biel’s Exercise

Jessica works out 6 days a week alternating between cardio and body work, her personal trainer is Jason Walsh. Three days focusing on muscle development and toning by doing lunges, crunches, squats, core work, light weights with high reps working the Shoulders, Biceps, and Triceps (3 set of 10-12 reps). Then three-day a week of a cardio regimen. Jessica keeps very active playing volleyball, surfing and hiking. She also enjoys yoga. She has worked with fitness expert Denise Austin.

One of her favorite stretches is the 'walking lunge', she does 8-10 per leg.

How Does Jennifer Aniston Stay Fit?

Apparently Jennifer Aniston is on the Zone diet which consists of 40 per cent carbohydrate, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent fat. 

Jennifer does the routine below three times a week. “Try to hold each pose for 30 to 60 seconds ( 5 to 10 deep breaths), then follow each move immediately with two sets of 8 to 10 reps of the paired calisthenic. Right away, you’ll be less stressed and more energized. And in as few as four weeks, you’ll feel and look noticeably stronger, longer and leaner” says Ingber.

Her Yoga Trainer Mandy has Jen add cardio to slim down. She will tack on a 22-minute cardio session prior to your yoga workout. “It helps me warm up my muscles for the poses,” Aniston told Self Magazine. After a five-minute warm-up, alternate one minute of high-intensitycardio, with two minutes of recovery at a moderate place. On high-energy days, Aniston will even follow up this interval training, which she does on the elliptical, with a 10- to 15- minute run on the treadmill at a 5.7 mile-per-hour pace on a 1.5 incline. When finished, Ingber leads her through five Sun Salutations to get her in touch with her breath.

Strength Training
In 2007 Jennifer started incorporating Kettle bells to her workout routine to strengthen and firm up her already in shape body. They are a serious workout check out this Kettlebells The Iron Core Way Volume 1 She has worked with personal trainer Kathy Kaehler and trainer Rachel Green, but said she stopped all those crazy workouts, “I was disconnected from my body,” she said.

Shakira's Diet

Breakfast Diet Plan:
• 1 glass of grapefruit or orange juice
• 1 slice of melon or pineapple
• 1 slice whole grain toast with low-fat cheese
• Coffee or tea with a little nonfat milk

Midmorning Diet Plan:

• 1 apple or 2 kiwifruit or 1 peach with a medium diet yogurt.

Lunch Diet Plan:

• Tomato and boiled spinach salad.
• Filet of tongue with half-tablespoon olive oil or
• 1 lean grilled beefsteak or
• 1 serving pumpkin pudding or
• 1 plate spaghetti with vegetables.
• 1 cup fruit salad or 1 cup fruit compote.

Midafternoon Diet Plan:

• 1 nonfat yogurt or
• 1 glass tomato juice or
• 1 slice whole grain toast with white nonfat cheese.

Dinner Diet Plan:

• Vegetable soup
• Lentils with tomato and broccoli.
• 2 slices whole grain bread
• 1 peach or
• 1 apple or
• 1 serving diet gelatin with fruit or
• 1 fruit salad


• She doesn’t drink alcohol or (caffeinated) coffee.
• She dies for junk food, but tries to avoid it.
• She never ever stays up late, except for work.
• She doesn’t eat sweets (Loves Chocolate, but tries to avoid it).
• She doesn’t smoke or think about smoking.

Gisele Bundchen’s Diet

Gisele Bundchen’s Diet

Gisele Bundchen has said that she eats what she wants, and considers herself. Portion Control might play a role in her figure. Gisele gained on 15 lbs after giving up cigarettes. “When you stop smoking you gain weight, because food tastes better than when it tasted like ashtray,” But of course has lost it.

Gisele Bundchen’s Exercise

Gisele jogs and lives an active lifestyle to stay in shape.

Gisele Bundchen Tips & Secrets

Gisele put Cayenne Pepper on most of her food which will apparently "speed up metabolism"