Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lauren Graham

Lauren Graham: Diet

Lauren’s daily calorie goal is 1600-1700. She allows herself to indulge in desert and pasta on occasion.
Breakfast – Tortilla wrap with 1 slice of low fat cheese and 3-4 egg whites and 2 tablespoons of salsa

Snack – Atkins bar

Lunch – Large mixed green salad with 4-6 ounces of lean protein such as chicken, turkey or fish.

Snack – 3/4 cup cottage cheese

Dinner – 6-8 ounces of lean protein like chicken or fish with 1/3 cup brown rice, 1 1/2 cups steamed veggies, such as asparagus, broccoli, mushrooms, peppers (no peas or corn).

Beverages – Lauren drinks 8 glasses of water per day. She’ll add a glass of water if she drinks a caffeinated beverage to offset any dehydrating effects.

Ban.do cuteness


Country Queen Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood

“My food indulgences are pizza, and I love… cheese. I have a big problem controlling myself with the cheese.” Two years later, it looks like she found a way to have her pizza and eat it too! Here’s her recipe favorite formula for a healthy, 250-calorie personal pizza: 1 Flatout wrap with 1/4 cup sauce, 1/2 cup fat-free or 2% cheese and loaded up with veggies".

"When I gain weight, it's in the spare-tire area" Underwood says. "I like to do push-ups, I do four sets of 10 or 20"

 "I had two whole-grain waffles for breakfast. Then I had a sandwich for lunch, which I put down as bread, fake meat [she's vegetarian], and cheese." The key, she says, is checking the calorie count on food labels and jotting down the details immediately after a meal to avoid food amnesia. "I'm a big nighttime eater," says Carrie. "When I can look at my diary and see how many calories I've consumed during the day, I'm able to figure out how much I can eat at night."

Miss Spears Looks Amazing

Britney Spears

Britney does cardio workouts 4-5 times a week, and either an hour of yoga or pilates once a week.

"She drinks protein shakes, and she snacks on the dried fruit and nuts from Starbucks with her coffee".

Britney drinks lots of water, has mostly protein shakes or yogurt and fruit for breakfast, followed by chicken or salad for lunch, and fish (salmon) for dinner with vegtables. Water is KEY!